Womens Health Clinic
The Women’s Health Clinic at Hawkins Medical offers a specialised service to cater for the needs of all women in the Limestone Coast.
The clinic will cover specific women’s health issues:
- contraception including Mirenas and other intrauterine devices (IUDs)
- emergency contraception
- preconception counselling
- threatened miscarriage/miscarriage
- antenatal care including shared care
- postnatal care
- pelvic pain
- heavy uterine bleeding
- infertility
- perimenopause/menopause.
To make an appointment, please click here, to complete the self-referral form and email to HMCWomensReferrals@hawkinsmedical.com.au
Your GP or your allied health professional can also refer you.
Your referral will be triaged by our clinical coordinator, and you will be contacted by our reception team and an appointment will be made for you.
The Women’s Health Clinic at Hawkins Medical is not restricted to patients who usually attend Hawkins Clinic. For those wishing to be seen by this service who usually attend a different clinic, we ask that you bring some information about your past medical history to your appointment. This will ensure that we have the information about you that we need to provide you with the best care possible. To your first appointment please bring:
- Medicare card
- Pension/Health care card
- List of current allergies
- List of medications
- Previous obstetrics /gynae correspondence (if any)
- Previous results
Some of this information may be available via your My Health Record.
Our Women's Health service operates as a separate area of Hawkins Medical Clinic and is a solely privately billed service. Reduced gaps may be offered for patients who qualify for a pension or Health care card. Fees for late cancellation and non-attendance of 75% of the full cost of the consultation will apply. Any previously outstanding accounts will need to be addressed prior to attending your initial consultation with Women's Health @ Hawkins.